2024 Archery Leagues
Wednesday, January 3 rd . starting at 10:00 A.M. 12 week spot league being run by Jim Powell
For more information contact Jim by phone or text @ 517 285-4805
Monday, January 8 th starting at 7:00 P.M. 12 week animal league being run by John Potter
For more information contact John by phone or text @ 517 231-2420.
Tuesday, January 9 th starting at 7:00 P.M. 12 week spot league being run by Gus Gosselin
For more information contact Gus by phone or text @ 517 927-8393.
League will be team or individual’s based on group’s choice.
Thursday, January 11 th starting at 7:00 P.M. 12 week spot league run by Gary Martin
For more information contact Gary by phone or text @ 517 927-8469. League will be teams
of 2 and if you don’t have anyone to be your partner Gary can match you up with someone.
ALL LEAGUES are handicapped scored and open to All classes of archery. (NO crossbows)
ALL skill levels are welcome.
ALL spot leagues shoot at 20 yards.
FEES are $55 for Key Members, $65 for Members, $75 for Non-Members, Students 16 and
under: Key Members $40, all others $50.