Rifle Range Use
The outdoor and indoor ranges at CASL are for the private use of it's members and their guests. Commercial training of any kind must be Authorized by the CASL Board and requires the presentation of proper Documentation and Insurance Coverage Riders in advance.
Failure to adhere to these requirements will result in revocation of Club membership and/or prosecution for criminal trespass. Outdoor shotgun ranges are open to the public only on Public days.
DO NOT use bowling pins or other non approved targets at the rifle / pistol range. Penalties up to and including loss of range privileges and/or loss of membership may be given to violators of this rule.
CASL Rifle / Pistol Range
The outdoor range is open from 10 am to sunset daily.
CASL offers 25 yard, 50 yard and 100 yard outdoor ranges that are open to club members that purchase a range gate key.
The indoor range is allocated to the Rifle team for practice on Tuesdays and reserved for the rifle team activities on Fridays.
The gate key will be changed in early January each year. Club members may purchase a range key from the Shotgun Clubhouse during open hours at the shotgun range.
You will be asked to provide proper ID and your CASL membership card at the time of your key purchase.
In addition to target and recreational shooting at the rifle ranges, opportunities exist to compete competitively both individually or as a team against other clubs. CASL sponsors a Rifle Team for competitive small bore (.22) indoor shooting (see below) as part of the Central Michigan Rifle and Pistol League (CMRPL) and a Michigan Youth Sportsmen Competition Challenge (MYSC) team for youngsters up to 18 years of age that have completed a hunter safety course. In addition to small bore rifle, the MYHEC team competes in 3D archery, muzzle loading, sporting clays and a number of non-shooting outdoor related events.
CASL Indoor .22LR Range
The Capital Area Sportsmen's League offers a 50 foot indoor target range for competitive and recreational shooting. The indoor range is used for organized team activities only.
The indoor range is strictly limited to rifles and pistols in .22. This range is closed at all times, except for during Rifle and Pistol team sponsored activities. The indoor range is reserved on Thursdays for pistol 'HOME' activities by CASL and Capital City Clubs. The indoor range is also reserved on Tuesday's and Friday's for Rifle practice and matches.
The CASL Rifle Team
The CASL Rifle Team competes in the Central Michigan Rifle and Pistol Assn. indoor league. The rifle team generally starts practice in November, with the league starting in December and finishing up around the first of April with the CMRPL banquet.
The indoor league competition consists of a series of 40 shot (400 point) indoor matches at 50 feet. 10 shots are taken at each of the following positions:
Kneeling and
Offhand (standing)
CASL Rifle Team: Jim Dooley, Carl Bliesener, Don Knisely (Captain), Ian Hall, George Lammers (Rifle Director)
Missing from Picture: Rob Carr, David Cotter, Randy Hall (Co-Captain), Evan Hall and Scott Lauderbaugh
Unlimited sighter shots are allowed. The season consists of 2 matches (one at home and one away) against each team in the league and 2 matches against the previous year's team average. The competition year finishes up with the league tournament which generally takes place in late March.
Range Rules
Range is open from 10 am to SUNSET daily. No shooting after sunset
NO ALCOHOL use PRIOR to shooting or consumed on the range
You MUST SIGN IN prior to shooting with ALL required information
Guests are limited to 2 non-family members who must follow all rules
All guests MUST SIGN IN prior to shooting. All Info is required.
ONLY paper targets may be used and MUST BE posted on target backstops. Do not POST TARGETS TO posts or horizontal supports!
NO RAPID FIRING ALLOWED … Rapid firing is shooting more than one Round every TWO seconds or more than six rounds in 10 seconds.
All shooters must remain at the SAME FIRING LINE distance during live fire. No one touches any firearm while people are downrange.
No shooting at objects on the ground, cans, bouncing targets etc.
Make sure others follow the range rules. Report violator NAMES from sign in and vehicle License Plate information. REPORT TO MANAGEMENT
Rifle Range Hours:
Open 7 days a week from 10:00am to dusk.*
*for members only
Contact the Rifle Directors:
Rifle Range Director:
Paul Brentar - caslrifle@gmail.com
Rifle Team Captain:
Don Knisely: (517) 321-5843
Plinkers Club:
Coordinator needed